no sleep for me tonight. I guess a quad-shot of espresso at 3:00am will keep you up after all. who would have thought?
I feel the need to write something profound or at least insightful to accompany this rather pointless entry. Fun random science fact behind cut.
I laid this tidbit down the other day at Sean’s house. people got a kick out of it.
Fun fact: The world that you see when you look in the mirror is not a perfect representation of the “real world.” In fact, what you are looking at is how the world would be were it made of antimatter. It has to do with the way vectors behave under reflection transformations. So never be afraid of monsters and ghosts jumping out of the mirror. if they did, they would be instantly annihilated by ambient matter in a *rather nasty* reaction. you’d be dead instantly, and thusly would have no time to be frightened.
Yeah, well man, just tell that to the jabberwocky sitting on my lap eating a popsicle.
crap! I told you not to cross the streams!!