Apparently it’s a good time to become a career killer.


Woman was driving drunk and talking on a cellphone. She crosses the center line and crashes into another vehicle. She kills the driver, puts the pregnant wife into a coma, and the baby is born 5 months later into the care of relatives. The drunk woman gets 30 days in jail, plus house arrest and probation. Oh, but she also she has to carry around a pic of the guy she KILLED to remind her what a naughty girl she is.

I wonder… if I go on a killing spree, will I have to rotate the picture I carry every week or can I just carry around an album?

I am convinced the human race would not miss 9/10 of it’s population.


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  1. January 14th, 2004 at 09:59 | #1

    wouldn’t that be a reward if you’re a psychotic stalker? you get to carry around trophies, or something like that. mount their head on your wall?

  2. January 14th, 2004 at 11:37 | #2

    There was a situation similar to that near my highschool. A 18-20 yr old killed a highschool student one night after having too much to drink and then driving home. His sentence was a bit steeper than 30 days, but he had to do community service (speaking about the effects of drinking and driving) and had to pay $1 each week to the family of the one he killed. He said it was (and still was at the time I heard it) the hardest thing he had to live with. And he went on after his service time was over, doing talks to highschoolers about the effects of drinking and driving. So maybe for some that is a bigger impact than putting them away for years in jail.

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