stupid crush meme:
How many people have a crush on ![]() The below numbers indicate what sorta crushes people on ![]() |
0 friends have a Secret Crush on ![]() 0 friends have a Public Crush on 0 friends have an Ex-Crush on |
How many people have a crush on you? Secret Crush Meme 3 is twice as badass as Secret Crush Meme 2! With 23,000 new crush quiz responses (45,000 total) and the ability to find out who a user has crushes on! |
Nobody has a crush on me. normally that would be demeaning… but considering my friends list is full of guys, I guess it’s kinda relieving.
Categories: Uncategorized
That’s wrong… I specifically remember putting down having a secret crush on you.. well.. not so secret now. :p
hehe. I know a pity clap when I hear one 😀 .
no really I did.. cause I looked up some other peoples that I had a crush on.. and there’s isn’t showing up either. :confused: I think we broke it.
huh, I just looked up some people too, and it seems everyone is getting all zeros. either the thing isn’t updating or all my friends are entirely undesirable :p.
Check your stats again. I just gave you a secret crush. For purely scientific reasons, of course.
Yup it’s broken.
once this thing gets around to updating, I’m going to have a bunch of secret crushes :p . I’m a pimp. :flex:
yep.. it’s broken.. I was checking all the people’s that I said I had a crush on last night.. and some didn’t show up.. I was sad 🙁