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When drunk people give advice…

February 22nd, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

A good friend of mine, Damien, Is stationed in Japan with the military. He’s been going out with this girl, Yoshi, for about 6 months now. It’s a long distance relationship (4 hours by bullet train) and I guess it’s been wearing on her. He posted in OT last night about how worried he is that she’ll leave him. Anyways… one of the more inebriated members decided to post his heartfelt advice:

Dude, listen I’m drunk but I’m gonna give you advice.

Any girl with the name Yoshi is bad news. I used to play mario and Yoshi would only cause trouble, I’d get attacked and he’d run away. Which makes me think that at the first sign of trouble she is going to run, I think you guys need to work through this, make her talk to you even though she probalby is going to act like one of those strong female types and not want to. Make her tell you what is wrong and fix it. Don’t let Yoshi go, you need her later on to complete certain levels, especially if she can fly. Thats the best one. I don’t remember what color of Yoshi that is but its definately the best one. Or the one that breathes fire. But yea man, Take care be strong and safe, its ok, live goes on. But dude, talk to her. Make her tell you whats wrong. I don’t know anything but I know I’m right!


Apparently he had enough in him to not realize exactly how off the wall his words were. he was *rather* surprised at what he’d written this morning.

But here’s the couple: linky . Aren’t they cute together? Damien is a damn cool guy. I really hope everything works out well for him.


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  1. February 22nd, 2004 at 17:38 | #1

    in a way his rambling makes a little sense, unlike jewpac.

    he’s a cool dude, I want to move to japan, i’m tired of the US.

    -Teh Coiloverkid

  2. February 22nd, 2004 at 19:47 | #2

    Poor Damien, (he was 93WRX right?), he indeed, is cool guy.

    Hopefully everything will work out. If not, stick the life together and make whatever the best.

    -paK +3

  3. Anonymous
    March 4th, 2004 at 23:38 | #3

    it’s me!

    so yeah.. it’s me…
    We’re still together.. it was a translation issue with us… Still madly in love.. She ended up spending $300.00 to come see me on the bullet train for the weekend.. how sweet.. huh?
    I don’t lie when i say I Love Her…


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