Bah. stupid body. I can’t sleep. and I’m in a bad mood. perhaps it’s that I can’t sleep that has me in a bad mood, but I think it’s the other way around. It’s not so much that I got up on the wrong side of the bed… I’m just ON the wrong side of the bed at the moment.

In other news, I went to Prity’s place today again to take care of the cats while she and Ed are out. Liam is still the same (if a little fatter). He’s always “spoken” almost conversationally. He’ll mimic the number of syllables and tone that you give him as if to say “I know you’re talking to me, and I’m trying to respond in a way that doesn;t sound like random meowing”. He’s the cat on which I coined the term “mow mow” that I use to describe any given cat. if you say “mow mow, baby” to him, he says “mow mow!” right back. It’s the cutest thing.

In ancillary news, I’m getting to know the ropes at work pretty well. I’m even starting to get the hang of Cisco IOS (router-speak land happy fun-time 100%). I need to get my CCNA the more I stay in the IT field the more I don’t miss having not gone to grad school. I actually enjoy this stuff. It may not be what I envisioned myself doing when I was in college, but I think I knew that computers could well be “my thing” if I put myself to it. the 4 years were hardly wasted in that I cherish the knowledge I gained… but I have no feelings of regret about abandoning what was “my field” for something more promising (financially and in terms of job satisfaction).

anyways… now that I’ve droned on enough with my twilight ramblings, I’ll try to get some more sleep and hopefully wake up on a more pleasant side of the bed.

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  1. April 2nd, 2005 at 00:37 | #1

    *hugs* I’m sorry you’re in a funk. I’ve been in one since yesterday, for obvious reasons.

    BTW, why are you in a bad mood? Feel free to Gmail me on that one.

    Kitties are adorable 😀 I miss my kitty =

    Oh, btw, the gag ain’t goin’ down, for yet again, obvious reasons. Today is a tough day.

  2. April 10th, 2005 at 07:07 | #2


    I can relate to lack of sleep. 3 to4 hours many a night is as good as it gets. Mine is from fretting life. brain that wont stop. stress? a myriad of reasons it wont shut down. Had 4 beers th other night w lasagna–slept 9 hours. But i dont drink much. lol and had other penalties.
    If u posted a message-it dint stick. Try again.
    See you on Malganis. Im in the 50s club now and if thy dont raise the bar ill be nipping at ur heels. lol

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