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Fluffers = hax0rs

Speaking of security, I saw these entries in my authentication log yesterday and was amused:

May 24 12:04:00 majordomo sshd[3846]: Invalid user fluffy from
May 24 12:04:03 majordomo sshd[3848]: Invalid user admin from

I was pleased since it stopped after the 2 attempts, so the new rule I wrote to stop those annoying SSH bots worked. Normally these SSH bots try a couple hundred usernames, probing for an easy match.

The thing that got me as funny was that it tried the username “fluffy before “admin”. I would hope “admin” would generate more hits as a real username than “fluffy”, but apparantly whoever set up this script thinks differently. Then again, I haven’t scanned the internet at large for common usernames =P

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  1. May 25th, 2006 at 14:10 | #1

    or most hackers are cats….

  2. May 25th, 2006 at 15:29 | #3

    Is that where you ran off to yesterday…fending off menacing kitties?!


  3. May 25th, 2006 at 15:59 | #4


    You are too 1337 for me, duderz. I got nothing. But I like ninjas. You get ninja status.

  4. May 25th, 2006 at 17:00 | #5

    hehe. Stupid bots. On the other hand, anyone who has a user named fluffy deserves to get Pwn3d

    • May 25th, 2006 at 17:31 | #6

      My coworker brings up the fact that the internet is populated mostly by sick fucks and sick fucks, so who knows… “fluffy” could very well be a very common name.

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