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Mr.Darwin, I have Life on the phone…

October 31, 2006 – A Chester County car dealership offered a unique incentive for shoppers hunting for a deal – free shotguns.

Source: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=bizarre&id=4713961

October 31, 2006 – A Chester County car dealership offered a unique incentive for shoppers hunting for a deal – free shotguns.

Country Dodge in oxford offered a certificate for a free shotgun with every SUV or pick up purchased. The president of the dealership says, it was just marketing to likely customers.

Officials say they got one e-mail condemning the gun offer.

The certificates were good at a local gun-shop, which did the background checks under the law.

The offer started September 1st to coincide with hunting season, and ended today. About 25 gun certificates were given out with vehicles.

All I have to say is… “What could possibly go wrong?”

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  1. November 1st, 2006 at 19:00 | #1

    Here’s my nonnecessary comment post!

    • November 1st, 2006 at 19:02 | #2

      OK fine…if you insist…

      um…the kind of people that would buy a dodge…coupled with shotguns…I’m frightened…do you think I live far enough away?


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