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Send your senators an internet

I don’t normally do publilc service announcement type stuff, but when people mess with my precious internets I’m typically not silent about it. Yesterday a great many internet radio stations observed a day of silence protesting protesting the bump in music royalty rates for internet radio. from the article, “U.S. Copyright Royalty Board last March that raises royalty payments by 300 to 1,200 per cent, retroactive to June 2006.” If this holds, many stations will go bankrupt. Internet radio is one of those online gems I personally don’t want to see go away. I’ve barked up all the proper trees, and I strongly suggest you do too. Even if you don’t listen to internet radio, it’s supporting “the little guy” online. Or at least to stick it to the RIAA and associated assholes. Most of these stations are free and have no ads in the music streams, so they don’t have a whole lot of income aside from donations. So this kind of monetary hit isn’t something they can handle.


PS – Updated post, had unclear info.

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  1. June 27th, 2007 at 14:01 | #1

    actually its retroactively to june (is it june?) waaaay back in 2006. CHACHING.

    • June 27th, 2007 at 14:56 | #2

      I stand corrected, thanks for the info! updating post

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