I got new bling 😀 . Prodrive P7s made by speedline. Below are some pics with them. they came with Yokohama AVS sport tires. 225/45ZR17. They’re hella wide. but they don’t rub, so I’ve got no complaints :D.

I love the rims. they’re a lot less “in your face” than I thought they’d be. Many thanks to Prity for getting them for me. for no particular reason. again, I’m not gonna complain 😀 . They ran me $500. they retail for 1200 without tires. I’m still trying to figure out why the guy sold them to me for so cheap. I guess it’s one perk of friendship 😀 . They look great, and these tires have sick amounts of grip. They’re going to spoil me 😀 .

I got gold cause that’s “the Subaru thing.” I realize they’re “blingtastic” to anyone outside the subaru community. But if you ask any suabru or WRC fan about gold wheels, they’ll rave about them. I’m enough into the sport as a fan and a participant that I can wear the golds with confidence. So yeah. here are the pics with the P7s. I’ll get more when I get her all cleaned up nice.


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  1. March 10th, 2003 at 14:18 | #1

    the gold p7’s look fugtastic on a GD impreza, but they rock on your car. honestly i thought i’d hate it when you said you got P7s but good show chap! IMHO though i’d have gotten the gunmetal and looked all bad ass. but that’s cause i like dark wheels….

  2. March 10th, 2003 at 17:41 | #2

    Now you need some WR Blueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =)

    =paK +1

  3. March 12th, 2003 at 17:53 | #3

    wow! those look 100 times better on a nice square pointy car like your legacy than an impreza…

    $500…good show.

  4. March 16th, 2003 at 09:17 | #4

    looking great igg… i get nothing but hell for rawking my gold 98 RS’s on my black impreza. now, i wanna see that car covered in mud, or perfectly clean. no half-assin’ 😉


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