So I got a job.
In the beginning I was unemployed. and it was good.
Then I took a trip to New Jersey. And I got into a 4-car pileup. This was not good.
Then I spent the next few months bumming around the apartment with nothing to do but job hunt, no AC, and no way to get anywhere.
Then I got a temp job. I was helping a biochem lab set up in a town a little ways away from me. heavy traffic, but it was better than being unemployed. I worked for htem for about 2 weeks.
In the mean time I’d found another prospective permanent job. This one was just one town away. I interviewed and they liked me. The mailed me an offer letter for 30K, 2 weeks vacation, and standard sick/ personal time. This job was close to my field, and the company was just starting to expand. So I was psyched.
The day after I get the letter the president of the company I temp for came to me and asked me if I’d like to stay on full time. I tell him I found a job more in my field but I’d consider it. He comes at me with an offer of 37K plus 5 weeks vacation. Is that nuts or what?! I guess I really impressed him. I’m doing lab tech and IT work and doing both well (I gather).
So I had a lot to consider. one was several weeks vacation and nutty pay, and the other is close to home by a lot, and free time is worth everything. So I came back at my current boss with a let down. I’d decided to take the other job despite the higher pay here. He said he was sorry to see me go, but that he was happy for me. I signed off the offer letter and thought that would be the end of it.
The next morning my boss comes at me saying “Its realy too bad you can’t stay. We really liked you here. David (the new scientist) said he really thought you were a good worker. ‘offer him 40! just get him to stay!’ he tells me.” My ears perk up. I asked him if he’d really pay me that much. He said he would. I think to myself, ‘I’m 23, and I can be making 40K, and get 5 weeks vacation?’ the decision was obvious. “Throw in a signing bonus for a new set of wheels and tires, and its a deal.” 😀 That seemed the only reasonable solution :D.
So thus ends my enemployment.
Awesome! Congratulations Igg!
New Jersey is nothin but trouble. I try to avoid it most of the time 😉
I try to avoid New Jersey too. I fail a lot.
Oooh, you’re the guy in OT being whored for different lab jobs!? 😀 Good stuff man, I hope it all works out… damn, Euro-style vacation sounds pretty sweet!