A friend of mine shares his experience with a stalker:
Some chick I had NEVER MET got my home phone number and would NOT stop calling, even though I had a g/f at the time (who would answer the phone!)
I finally got tired of trying to get her off my back, and “caved in” and agreed to go on a date. I told her we’d go to some fancy restaurant in San Francisco- the Top of the Mark (like 30 stories up on a hill, real fancy place.) I called the place and made reservations, and then called her back. She was thrilled. So a few hours hours before the “date” I told her it would probably be about $150 for the evening, did she have enough cash to cover it? If not, we could stop by a bank before they closed so she could get some money out. She kinda balked, and was like “Um, like you want me to pay for half?” Of course, my response was “Um, no, I told you I am a student, I am broke, you’re gonna have to pay, sorry.” I was quiet for a few moments and then her (psycho) brain kicked in and she said “Okay, I guess it’s no big deal. I will stop on the way out. Do you want directions to my place?” Then I dropped another bomb. I told her “Um, lemme give you directions to my place, because my car broke a few weeks ago and I have been getting rides from people.” She asked what was wrong, and I told her it needed a new motor. Then I asked if she could help me pay for fixing it.
Funny, she told me she had to go and would call me back.
My phone never rang again
ouch. attacked by reality. and yeah this is a frioend from the board, not some random chain letter 😀
sounds like there’s more to that story.
Hehe… that’s a great way to handle it.
Unfortunately that wouldn’t work for me. Too bad! There’s a guy who’s been bothering me for four years now 🙁 Seriously bad news, too.
Do you know anyone in the mafia? *heh*
I worked at Pfizer. that’s pretty close.