I’d post a linky, but the thread I got this out of didn’t ahve on, and I’m lazy. so deal. here’s the truncated version so I don’t spam out your “friends page” (like you have friends)

Woman Crashes Into Cellphone Store While Talking on Her Cellphone:


A 20-year-old Abington woman died early yesterday after she lost control of her car while talking on a cellphone and crashed into the wall of a cellphone store, police said.

Authorities were investigating the accident, but it appeared Bethanie Lawton was talking on her cellphone at the time of the crash, Officer Ray Rogers of the West Bridgewater Police Department said.

“She was on her cellphone talking to a girlfriend when she told her friend, `I’m having an accident,’ ” said Rogers. “It appears that she lost control of the car due to inattention to the road, and she was obviously going faster than the posted 25 miles per hour speed limit.”

How’s that for poetic justice?


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  1. November 7th, 2003 at 06:52 | #1
    • November 7th, 2003 at 07:09 | #2

      does that count as a WTLW 😛 ?


      • November 7th, 2003 at 07:45 | #3


        Actually, that’s not an acronym…more of a annoyicon abbreviationicon. WTF is WTLW?

      • November 7th, 2003 at 07:48 | #4

        Nah, I just did a search on news.google.com for cell phone abington

  2. November 7th, 2003 at 16:22 | #5

    hahahahaha…that’s just beautiful.

    “i’m having an accident.”

    wouldn’t that mean you could have taken pre-emptive action to prevent said accident?

  3. November 7th, 2003 at 18:04 | #6

    How ironic

  4. November 9th, 2003 at 06:45 | #7

    uh oh, someone doesn’t know wtlw…..

    and yes, that is prefect ironing.

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