November 18th, 2003 Leave a comment Go to comments

so… my clutch went out today. I’ll post tonight just to let everyone know exactly how easy it is to yank the engine in a 1990 CRX :p . thankfully it went before I hit the Concord rotary and entered stop-and-go hell. I managed to crusie home with few gearchanges. anyways… the situation is: blew my clutch at 8:00 this morning. Start pulling the engine at 2:00 this afternoon. must be commute ready by tomorrow at 8:00 AM. no work = no pay. I can make up one day with long days, but not two. blarg.

Thankfully this car is less complex than a bowl of cereal. A monkey of mediocre mental affinity could tear the engine apart and put it back together again. shit, I hope I can do it as easily. I wish I was a monkey. this would be cake.


EDIT: For those linky’d to this entry, see the rest of the week’s entries for the rest of the story. Apparently I am below a monkey of mediocre mental affinity.

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  1. November 18th, 2003 at 12:23 | #1

    Don’t you need a hoist or something for that?

  2. November 18th, 2003 at 12:41 | #2

    Good luck Igg. Hope the car surgery goes quickly.

  3. November 18th, 2003 at 16:39 | #3

    keep us updated… I wish I had some sage like advise to offer.

  4. November 18th, 2003 at 22:32 | #4

    thanks for the concern, everyone. luckily Seth and I had recent experience doing a similar job on his Prelude. As a result of which, to answer Brian’s question, we just happened to have an engine hoist kickin around in the garage. At the moment it was serving rather diligantly as a place to hang the extension cord. however we felt the need to hoist an engine with it outweighed its current duties. so yeah. needed to yank the engine, and “just happened to” have a hoist lying around.

    See also: perks of owning the “community garage”

    for mroe detailed info, see the next post. engine out for now, going in tomorrow. I would have liked the bragging rights of getting it all done in one day, but I’ll settle for some sleep. so…. tired….


    PS – beer ,makes car work easier, and makes metal hurt less when it bites you.

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