November 21st, 2003 Leave a comment Go to comments

So I ordered the crossmember and a control arm from a local junkyard. around 100 bucks for the two. whatever. hopefully that’s the alst I’ll need.

but that’s tomorrow. tonight I rest. and goddamn I need it. I’m going to kick back, drink beer, listen to this fangled “techno” stuff I keep hearing about, and play a fuckload of video games. I’m spent.


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  1. November 23rd, 2003 at 08:44 | #1

    Doesn’t that always seem to be the case? There is always one more part that you’ll need. I finally got the turnsignals for my impreza L so it is once again road worthy, and since it hasn’t been run for 2 months, it won’t crank. I told mom and Levi that they need to drive it once a week or it’ll need maintainance. Bahh!!!!

    Do like I did, get a 40, and sit down and play some GT3 and GTA:VC… You’d be surprised how incredibly hilarious it is smashing your car into stuff while obliterated. No wonder people love drunk driving! j/k

    At least my RS is still running very strong.


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