I’m listening to Kraftwerk pretty much for the first time. I’ve had a few albums kicking around, so I tore all the tracks to my HD with all intentions of taking an old-school pilgramige. I just hadn’t gotten around to it. I’ve listened to “Autobahn” a few times through. I really dig the title track, so I was looking forward to listening to a whole bunch of stuff. So I listened to a bunch of clips from a bunch of tracks and tossed together a mix to listen to on the way to work. These guys are everything I was told they were. simple, old school, and very anti-familiar. by that I mean that every time I listen to one of their tracks I can swear I’ve herad it before… It’s like listening to Joy Division. I’ll hear a progression of beats in a Kraftwerk tune, and I can think of several more recent tracks from all kinds of different artists that have a similar beat. Just like listening to rock, I can hear Joy Division drum beats in just about every band’s material. I can see how influential they were.

but yeah, I like these guys. again, like Joy Division, it’s kind of an acquired taste since the sound has moved so far forward since their time. but I really like it.


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  1. December 4th, 2003 at 10:39 | #1

    I think the draw of Kraftwerk is in the simplicity and innocence of their work and their era.

    • December 4th, 2003 at 10:43 | #2

      yeah. I guess you have to remind people about the tongue-in-cheek nature of a lot of their stuff. people are used to taking things too seriously.


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