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absolutely brutal ownage

December 19th, 2003 Leave a comment Go to comments

if you’re bored…


long thread, but worth it.


Chick comes to “The OT” looking to be an attention whore (opens up with “hi I’m a girl”). turns out she instigated some nastiness that led to another club breaking into 2 factions. apparently she sleeps around. It starts as us pwning her for being an attention whore. It ends up with members from the other board coming over and handing us nekkid pics and vids of her that she posted on the intarweb. It’s one of the more brutal ownings I’ve seen in a while. linky has a bikini shot or 2, but is work safe otherwise.

all NWS content has been distributed through PM and email. OT might be mean, but at least it’s clean.


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  1. December 19th, 2003 at 15:07 | #1

    damn.. I hope I can get home and read it before it disappears.


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