insert obligatory “happy holidays” post
Yeah. Happy holidays, you lot of worthless kn0bz. It’s been an interesting year for sure. I got married. ain’t that some shit? I’m pretty pleased with myself for being able to keep a girl around for that long. What can I say… I was a Boy Scout. They teach you how to lash things down really well. I’d I’ve lived in my own house for about a year now. it’s cool to be out of apartments. on the less cool side of things, I got laid off back in april. Had to sell 2 cars I really loved. got another car I’m strangely infatuated with. Got another job, first one in my field since college. I don’t miss the IT realm, but I do miss the slacking and the paycheck.
It’s cool to rant about this and that and see that people even bother to read it, much less reply. When I post anything in “The OT” I fully expect a bunch of replies, but it’s always cool to see people bothering to read stuff on my more personal space. I have to thank LordBrand for getting me back into this LJ crap this year. I fell off the train for a while when I was unemployed and on dial-up. I’m glad I got back into it. apparently people still had me listed on their friends page. haha! suckers! and I also recently stumbled into the EBM LJ underworld, as I commented in another journal. That has certainly been interesting. I’ve met a lot of really cool people and some charecters. even some fake people (AFRAID!!!!).
Anyways… happy holidays. be sure to take some time to genuinely slack off. I hope santa is nice to you all. And wether this past year was great or a giant bowl of suck, I hope next year is even better for you all. w0rd.
hook a brother up with some slacking and paycheck!
[mighty booming voice]I hereby bestow upon you the power to slack off with such infinite prowess as to thow slugs and snails into seizures.[/voice]
I cannot guarantee that people will pay you for this, tho :p
(fear my VBB script!)
Where’s this EMB community at?
not a “community” in the interweb sense… but a bunch of artists who have journals. check out my friends list. Epsilon Minus, Boole, Glis… Those are the actual artists, not just some intarwebnet n00b stealing the name cause they think they’re cool groups. all very good artists and *very* interesting charecters.
caveat: the simmronan and eskil journals are spoofs. it’s obvious enough, but I figured I’d toss that in there for any anonymous surfers.
darquerchylde is real tho. he promised me.