Yeah. My brain: fucked++
I have no alchohol, and it’s too late for coffee.
I don’t know what it is today, but I’m absolutely crakced. I began my day with a quick start. short breakfast, followed by a pleasurable jaunt to Wal Mart to get roofing tar, tire slime, and candy orange slices. I assure you, only 2 of those 3 items will be used jointly. after that, I somehow went into a mental decline. my job list for the day was simple: fix the garage door. one of the electric openers popped a spring, so I had to replace it. simple enough. got that done. the day is still mostly normal at this point.
then came the brain befucking. I decided it would be a good idea to upgrade the fan for the power supply on my computer. so I sat down and went at it. I took the chance to wrap all the leads in electrical tape, separating them into less confusing groups. About 30 minutes into all this I found myself catching myself in the middle of strange mental conversations. My brain would wander, and by the ime I caught up with it I’d be saying the weirdest stuff. just totally off on some tangent, way the hell off in left field. From then on I totally could not focus on anything. this was at like 3.
after I got done with the computer and booted it back up, I decided to play some simcity. that was at 4. It’s now midnight. I can barely form any coherent thoughts, and I have no idea how it got this late. I haven’t eaten or been to the can since noon-ish and feel no desire to do either. It’s like I went to sleep at noon and forgot to tell myself. I’m in a state of total apathy. I don’t feel like doing anything in particular. I’m very thirsty but can’t be bothered to get up and get a glass of water. the only reason I’m even bothering to type all this is that the keyboard is right here. and at this point in my life, typing takes less mental faculty than breathing.
WTH. I’m on vacation.. I wish I could at least enjoy the day… but alas. And as I mentioned, I have no beer. I may actually have to go to sleep at some point, so I dunno about coffee.
Of course I could just load up on stims and kick GT3 for the rest of the night.
You all care right? Thought so. Bite me.
that was some observant shit, actually.
i know that mood.
for me, its called, “every day that i dont have to work”
get up, have lots of energy, start rolling through shit like laundry, make big plans for the day, get distracted by interweb funnies and emails, slowly lose energy, slowly get more and more tangential and less and less determined, reach the threshold of useable caffeine limits, crash from that, start drinking a few beers, get bored of drinking, have beer wear off before caffeine, and end up staring blankly at a wall by like 12 am.
your doppelganger
glad I’m not the only one. This happens more often than I’d like to admit. I get wicked tunnel vision too. I can’t scan more than 3 lines of text vertically, and about 10 words horizontally. It makes editing reports at work hell. takes forever to find errors.
I’m pretty sure I put a bagel in the toaster around 9-ish. I should check on that. Actually getting a little hungry. must be coming out of my stupor. I don’t have the shakes yet and I’m not dizzy at all… so I can’t be THAT hungry. all the same. that bagel will taste like ass tomorrow morning.
hmm…. espresso machine is right next to toaster…..
watch some porn, make Mr. Happy happy.. and pass out.