Back to work. First day back since Dec 23rd. Feels like winter vacation used to when I was in college. Well damn, I’m not that old… that was only like 2 years ago. yeah… I tink that’s right… ellipsis… Anyways, Bob is here for today and tomorrow, then she’s off on business for the rest of the week. you know what that means…. no pants! Well, that and more slacking.
Going out to play pool tonight. Usually we go to this one cheap place, but Seth is tired of the pool tables there. the Lovecraftian geometry gets tiresome after a while I’ll admit. For only $2 more an hour we can play on Euclidean tables at a place down the street. The cheap place also has Lovecraftian waitresses. strange, twisted beings with curves that defy physics in terrible ways and insult the eyes.
That’s all I got for now. off to the grindstone.
we have quantum tables down here. you hit the ball and then it turns into light, then back into a ball. it’s pretty fun.
Your writing is improving again, sir. Good. Or I just haven’t seen it for a while.
Now for me to do the same.
Move towards the center of the grindstone quickly at the start of the day. As it spins, you’ll feel less pressure. Then, near closing time, run outward and leap with the spin. Hopefully, you’ll lift off.