I was talking to Damien on IM earlier….

IggDawg555: meh. you’re young. don’t beat yourself over it.
Damien: i’m not.. lol.. you’re younger than me.. are you allowed to dispense old-timer advice?
IggDawg555: how old are you?
IggDawg555: you can’t be more than 26
Damien: 25
Damien: I will be 26 in August
IggDawg555: ur old.
IggDawg555: ur old like Ed
Damien: golden mother fucking birthday
Damien: lol.. not that old
Damien: Ed is OLD
Damien: like Dirt old…
IggDawg555: no kidding… like dino old
Damien: like he was sitting next to god during the big bang…
Damien: God brought popcorn
Damien: Ed was like.. what’s this?
Damien: .. God was like.. You’ll see
Damien: 😀
IggDawg555: oh snap, that’s mean :p
Damien: ehehehe

I couldn’t put it up on the board… Ed’s getting tired of the “old guy” jokes. but I had to put it somewhere


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  1. March 4th, 2004 at 14:43 | #1

    oh noes, is this in reguards to his girlfriend? did she dump him? 🙁

  2. Anonymous
    March 4th, 2004 at 23:31 | #2


    Nope.. she didn’t dump me. we’re still chilling


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