I’m off to Chicago tomorrow morning to visit Sonoscan’s headquarters. Basically 1 week all-expenses-paid vacation. I have to work all week, but it’s not like “sit and crank out data” work. I’ll be helping out at a workshop, meeting some of the people there, etc. my flights, hotel, car, food, etc all gets to go on an expense account so it might as well be a vacation. Some of the guys from the mid-west chapter of the club are planning on taking good care of me while I’m there as well. People ask me why I’m so big into my car club. It’s hard to explian how above and beyond NASIOC is from “just a club/forum”. As pretentious as it sounds, they really are like an extended family or circle of friends. I’m certainly looking forward to meeting the guys out there. also looking forward to a change of pace. I bought a book to keep me company, although I doubt I’ll have much time to read. I get in on monday, and I know that 2 out of the 4 evenings at least I’ll be out with the club guys… friday night I leave.

Anyways… I won;t have internet access for most of the week, so I bid LJ goodbye till I return. I hope everyone on my list has a good week.

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  1. March 7th, 2004 at 17:31 | #1

    Has NASIOC had a national meet before? As intense as it would sound, I find it very fitting such as the children of OT.

    Have fun in Chico.

    -paK +2

    • March 7th, 2004 at 18:09 | #2

      I think the Vegas meet will be the first real “national” meet. the last beer party had folks from all over the country in Boston, but it wasn’t like a huge event. Vegas sounds like it’s going to be crazy.

      • March 8th, 2004 at 07:12 | #3

        shit i wish i could drag my ass up there. my parents go to vegas all the time, do you know when it be? i’ll check OT but jic i can’t find it, help a brother out.

        hey we can have an ian convention!

        • March 13th, 2004 at 06:12 | #4

          the vegas trip is still in the “developmental” phase. it’s tentatively scheduled for late june, though. OT is still solidifying plans 😀

  2. March 7th, 2004 at 20:58 | #5

    Oh n0esss!!one! IggDawg in teh Chigaco!

    Hope you have a good trip!

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