I hate writing with a pen/pencil/sharpie/crayon. I hate writing in sharpie and crayon less, but you get the idea. I’d so much rather type. Every time I write a form out by hand at work or whatever, I think of how I could get it done by typing instead. Some stuff has to be done by hand for documentation purposes, but still…

I need to replace my hands with a print head. it would be all MegaMan style, so it’d turn back into a hand for those intimate moments where a print head is less desirable than a normal hand. yeah, that’s all I got.

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  1. April 22nd, 2004 at 19:24 | #1

    I wonder if that’s how the cave men felt about the cave paintings… man I hate writing on these walls in blood, and shit, this pen kicks ass! or… Screw this chisel and tablet, this charcol rocks my world.

  2. April 28th, 2004 at 18:29 | #2

    LOL! and your other hand could turn into a bucket which you could use as a nifty chair!

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