I finally got myself a Subaru SVX. I posted about 2 years ago about this neat-o car I was looking into getting to replace the Impreza. I didn’t get one then, and I’ve come very close to getting one 2 times since. it’s always been just out of my grasp. For those who don’t know, they’re a very rare breed of Subaru, only around 15,000 or so made it to the states. It’s a “performance/luxury” coupe that was very poorly timed as far as the car market goes, and was too expensive for the Subaru badge it was sold under. It’s a fairly big 2-door car with all-wheel-drive and a 4-cam 6-cylinder “boxer” engine pushing about 230 hp and 225 lbft of torque. I’ve never driven a car that’s felt as nice as this.

They’re hard to come by, and very hard to find in good condition. This one was owned by n ASE certified “master technician” whatever that means. He went to town on this car. everything is new. the struts/springs/tophats, brake rotors/calipers/pads, transmission (10k miles), tie rods, etc. tons of interior bits have been replaced. The head unit is a $500 pioneer dealie that doesn’t have all the “stereo bling” that you have to deal with in most newer car stereos. The leather isn’t worn like I’m used to seeing. the car “feels new”. It definitely feels newer than a ’94. And it REALLY feels nicer than $6000 should have bought me =D.

So I’m back at camp Subaru. Anyone wanna buy a CRX =P

pics from the auction behind cut:

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  1. May 24th, 2004 at 08:45 | #1

    ::cough:: 3500lbs ::cough::


    • May 24th, 2004 at 08:49 | #2

      yeah yeah. I know. don’t forget to mention it’s a slushbox. and it eats premium. but it can walk away from a WRX on the highway =D, and still gets low 7’s in the 0-60. I’ve always thought of it as a “respectable” car even if it’s not as much of a sports car as a grand touring car. It’s an outstanding car to drive.

      • May 24th, 2004 at 09:11 | #3

        what’s the flat 6 sound like? i saw one sitting in an XT at the JY last week.
        by the way, if you happen to need anything, we tend to get a lot of old subarus down here. in return, i need RX7 pieces.

    • May 24th, 2004 at 08:50 | #4

      looks more like its a 98 in those pics. awesome condition homeboy.

      • May 24th, 2004 at 09:14 | #5

        Thanks πŸ˜€ . I was psyched when I saw it up close.

        The engine sounds mean but tame. very smooth all the way up to 7k. no vibrations anywhere. I would do an intake or an exhaust, but I guess the stock intake and exhaust both outflow the engine :p.

        oh, and it has dual throttle bodies πŸ˜€

        • May 24th, 2004 at 09:16 | #6

          does it have two plenums or just one?

          • May 24th, 2004 at 09:24 | #7

            It has one plenum with a pair of outlets. they’re like right next to eachother. Each TB feeds one side of the intake manifold, which is separated into 2 sections most of the time IIRC. there’s a chamber that connects the 2 halves that opens up at some engine speed. it’s much more elaborate than the EJ series engines. I don’t have too much info on it, but I guess it has a similar effect as the system on the RX-8 (only with one valve instead of 3).

          • May 24th, 2004 at 09:27 | #8

            actually it sounds like a duratec or KL-ZE setup. its a twin plenum with a high RPM crossover. the only way i could see it working though is if the opening of the center somehow shortens (effectively) the runners.
            don’t compare it to the RX8s because that thing is just over complicated. mazda just needs to create a OEM capable variable length runner system like they had on the le mans car.

  2. Anonymous
    May 24th, 2004 at 09:05 | #9


    Dude! Congrats!

    When are we putting an MT in it? πŸ˜€


    • May 24th, 2004 at 09:16 | #10

      Re: w00k!

      You know that was one of the first things on my mind. The tranny is so new that I can’t justify swapping it out just yet. but when it does start to get issues, I won’t be putting another auto back in :D.

  3. May 24th, 2004 at 09:09 | #11



    needs more 5MT, but that can wait. =)

    are you keeping the CRX a’doom?

    • May 24th, 2004 at 09:18 | #12

      Re: BLING

      Newp, the CRX is for sale. haven’t put her up on the market yet, but I’m deff not keeping it. want one :D?

      • May 24th, 2004 at 09:38 | #13

        Re: BLING

        mmmm…. i do, actually, but i’m not so sure about the curse.

        what are you looking to get for ‘er?

        (i kind of need a commuter car for my 150 miles a day)

        • May 24th, 2004 at 10:04 | #14

          Re: BLING

          I’m going to put it on the market for 2800-ish, but I’d let it go for 2500. I think it’s worth that. come by and take a look. Since I did the tranny, everything has been pretty much fine. the engine vibrates a tiny bit more than I remember (as felt through the shifter) and there’s a raspy noise it makes between shifts… but nothing that surprises me coming from a 13 year old civic.

          comes with spare DC sports headers, steering rack, and a pair of control arms πŸ˜€ .

          • May 25th, 2004 at 10:41 | #15

            Re: BLING

            when are you free for me to take a look at the crx a’bling?

            i’m going to work in framingham tonight at 23:00, that’s at least a little close-ish to where i remember you being the last time

  4. Anonymous
    May 24th, 2004 at 09:15 | #16

    frickin a

    i was just drooling over one parked in davis the other day…
    you may be trading in your saffron robes, but i’m sure the dalai lama would understand.
    who’s the man now, dog??


    • May 24th, 2004 at 09:20 | #17

      Re: frickin a

      I have indeed traded in the saffron robes for a set of crimson robes. If you and t3h Andrew make it to the Worcester dinner on Friday you can take it for a spin :D.

  5. May 24th, 2004 at 13:26 | #18

    :drool: I saw one while I was in PA (except the dumdass had fried his diff so it was only 2 wheel drive)

    for some reason I really like the windows on it. it’s all futuristic and shit.

    • May 25th, 2004 at 05:08 | #19

      They did make some that were 2WD. maybe he had one of those?

      And the windows kick ass when driving. when you open them, there’s almost no turbulence inside. Another nice thing is the distinct lack of blind spots πŸ˜€ .

  6. May 24th, 2004 at 15:43 | #21

    Wow. Beautiful!

    Very nice! Looks like the past owner treated this car like it was his/her baby πŸ˜‰

    I love that hot red color and the body looks like it’s in excellent condition (?)

    SVXs seem to haunt my steps πŸ™‚ Had one at the old apt complex I lived in and now there’s one in the neighborhood (black). They must be very popular here in the PNW. Hope to see more pics after you do some work on it πŸ˜‰

    • May 25th, 2004 at 05:09 | #22

      Re: Wow. Beautiful!

      Good to see you in my journal again πŸ˜€ . glad you dig it. I’m already working on killing the red center caps πŸ˜€ . I’ll be sure to post up some pics when I’ve mad a few *stylistic alterations*.

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