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Stolen from OT

originally posted by Makenzie71 on the RX7 club

…best sign I’ve ever gotten to clean my room…

So I got “Fluffy the One Lipped Vagina” (have no idea where the title came from) in the DVD player and am going at it. Before I finnish I realize that I had not arranged something to aim at/in to keep things clean…but there’s an old bag across the room, in which I had brought home two bottles of V8 splash for vodka mixing (promptly tossing on the floor upon emptying).

So I wait til the last second before I try to lunge across the room to make it to the bag so as not to make a mess. Upon standing I step on an empty V8 splash bottle and my left leg promptly leaves the area. I’m sent, twisted and obviously hurt, back into the wall where I bang my head on a piece of thread bar I had hanging up for some unknown reason.

My head is aching…my left ankle is quite twisted and is hurting a great deal…it’s amazing that during the mishap I mahaged to hang onto “myself” and not lose concentration on the task at hand…set back a bit but still going. I push off the wall and start hobbling towards the empty paper bag once again…and, once again, I manage to step on the SAME V8 Splash bottle, only this time my leg zips back behind me and I land nose first on the other V8 Splash bottle which sent a nice array of blood and snot in various directions. I then jizzed all over myself.

I think god wants me to stop masturbating…

thought I’d share

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  1. June 2nd, 2004 at 06:44 | #1

    that is some funny ish.

  2. June 2nd, 2004 at 07:43 | #2

    sooo…it didn’t occur to you to let go of your ‘appendage’ once you stood up? 😐

    • June 2nd, 2004 at 08:04 | #3

      hmmm… after reading the post over, it seems I left out one critical piece of information. Changes are in bold.

      • June 2nd, 2004 at 08:18 | #4

        OH! okay! I feel a little better now.
        Hopefully something like his has never happened to you, LOL.

        • June 2nd, 2004 at 09:16 | #5

          details, details =D . and yeah, I can safely say I don’t have the “tripped over a bottle of V8 while watching pr0n and fell on my head and jizzed on myself” punch taken out of my cardjust yet. I’m hopeing to avoid that one entirely =P

          • June 2nd, 2004 at 13:33 | #6

            yeah…and while watching a porno titled ‘Fluffy the One-Lipped Vagina’ no less.


  3. June 3rd, 2004 at 11:19 | #7

    that’s perfect.

    the funny thing is i’m on rx7club, but i never post cause its bogged down with noobage.

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