I’m looking at an apartment on Monday. One of the guys I know from the club (Dano) has been looking for a place for a while, but hasn’t had any prospective roommates. I’m glad to be rooming with someone I know rather than some random roommates.com person. The place is really nice too. ~1100sqft to split, 2 bed, 2 bath, in-room washer, central air, etc. There’s also a clubhouse with a 24/7 fitness center, a pool, and even a movie theatre you can reserve time in. you can hook up a computer and whatnot. see also: rally vids. It’s right at the intersection of 290 and 495. like literally right there. Locals will know this as a very good location for getting anywhere in the meaningful sections of MA (anything east of Worcester =P).
getting pretty psyched. this could be a kickass place.
i looked at an apartment complex in jacksonville that had a 40-seat theater with free popcorn that you could reserve – nothing beats PS2 on a 50 ft screen.
Whoa. That’s the difference between living at 495 and living east of 95.
It’ll be a marginally longer commute, but still shorter than what I’m used to. much cheaper to live out that way, so it’ll even itself out.
I need public trans until rae gets a car.