So there was this cracked out guy hiding behind a dumpster last night…
Ryan (Unit 91) was in town from Cali to help set up the “hot import nights” thingy at the expo center in Boston. He’s staying with Pete (redobs) and Will (wagonmonster) in Boston. So Ed (sirkbac… last parenthesis, I swear) calls me up and says that everyone’s hanging out tonight at Pete’s before Ryan has to go back. We’re all hanging out on his back porch just generally chilling. where he lives is a row of triple deckers with small parking lots in back. Ed says “there’s this guy behind the dumpster next door, and he keeps peeking at us”. We all laugh until he insists we look. sure enough, there was a guy kneeling down peering around the dumpster. There’s no way he didn’t know we could see him. there were 6 of us total, and we were all looking right at him. we start calling out to him to stop lurking, and he kinda slinks around like an animal of some sort that still thinks it hasn’t been seen but wants to reposition itself to be sure. so he scurrys over to a Nissan X-Terra that’s in the little parking lot and lies down under it. yeah. the way the lights are in that lot, he was completely illuminated. a that point we called the cops (after posting about it on the club, of course). he’d ran off by the time they got there.
That’s my story.
It was ME!!!
I knew it was you 😡