WIN: I won at poker night (hold ’em) last night for the first time in a long time. the last hand was the one that put me over the top. My pair of twos beat the other guy’s ace. yeah, it was getting pretty bad near the end. anyways… it was a fun way to turn $10 into $20.
Also, Bob is out today so I have the whole place (both rooms!!!) all to myself to slack and be generally unproductive as I please. we have mostly large time-consuming parts, so for once my slacking is justified.
LOSE: I went to my pocket to review my cash situation, as I was going to indulge in some sort of overpriced coffee as a result of my winnings (see previous section labeled “win”). There was nothing in my pants but what God put there. This meaning… no wallet. That’s what happend when you leave in a rush. Which is what happens when you “lie down for a second” after the morning shower. A quick review of my situatuion revealed that my gas needle on the big mean “E” and no food in my stomach. Between how many miles I have left on this tank and the change in my coin holder (+1 humble points) I should be able to make it home. Luckily since its friday, the conference room will be stocked with vile donuts to keep me going for the day. please note the ironic use of “luckily”. it’s very clever.
EDIT: Day rapidly turning further to LOSE. Bob showed up at work. And if that wasn’t bad enough, she brought The Plague(tm) with her. the same lovely critter that kep her out from work yesterday. I guess she thought she’d come in and share the love. She’s leaking like a sieve out of every oriface and looks generally “less than fresh”. She best not get me sick. um… or else. yeah.
vending machine is your friend.
I have enough change for a gallon of gas (about exactly enough to get me home) or a pack of Skittles and some Cheetos. Don’t think I’m not conflicted =D
i would be. i’ll be living off vending machines this whole next semester. chips, pretzels, combos, and honey buns.
I haven’t had a combo in a long time. I liked to nacho cheese ones.
pizzaria pretzel is where it’s at.