September 1st, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

I just registered . In a day or 2, you can whois-stalk me! I wanted someplace to host pics and whatnot, and since I have this wonderful end table and nothing to do with it, I decided it was a good time to learn apache and whatnot. For now the domain is parked, but once I have this machine networthy I’ll toss up a simple homepage of some sort along with using it as a host site. It’s cool to have such a monster of a server, even if it is a little dated, but it’d be nice to use it for something more than a network drive.

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  1. September 1st, 2004 at 12:01 | #1

    cool.. new place to spend time.. know anyone that wants a gmail account?

    • September 1st, 2004 at 12:10 | #2

      naw. I’ve got an invite to give away too and no place to put it. I think everyone I know already has one or doesn;t want one.

  2. September 1st, 2004 at 15:55 | #4

    what’s with you and “whatnot”? Heh. You even mention “whatnot” in your interests! Is whatnot really that fascinating? ;P

    • September 1st, 2004 at 17:08 | #5

      IggDawg: now available with “whatnot”!! ‘It’s everything you want it to be’

      Buy yours TODAY!

  3. September 1st, 2004 at 18:05 | #6

    i saw that post – i was SO tempted to steal away from you. is long gone.

    how’s the body work coming?

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