“Very few things in this world upset me more than…” (and derivatives thereof) is an expression I use a lot to describe something which I’m not terribly fond of. There are some times when I mean it in the most literal sense.
Very few things in the world piss me the fuck off like getting conflicting orders from two different bosses who can’t be bothered to communicate with eachother. It makes it worse when I mention to boss A (Bob) that I’ve already been instructed to do something a certain way by Boss B (Ray, Bob’s boss) and I’m told to go ahead and do it a different way anyways. So next time my data gets reviewd by Ray, He’ll tell me I’m doing it wrong. Yet I can’t expect to leave for the day if my reports aren’t up to Bob’s standards. In either case, someone will be pissed at me and that’s not at fucking all ok with me. I’m more than happy to follow a set of standards as long as I’m informed when it’s changing, and as long as those changes are globally recognized.
I can tolerate a very large catalogue of idiocies, but this is one of the few things that really gets me genuinely upset in the professional world. At least Ray had a good objective reason for his opinion. Bob just says “do it this way becaus ethat’s the way I think it should be.”
ATTN: Bob – Die in a fire.
(please forgive the grammatical butchering. I’m really quite upset.)
…in the corner pocket?
make those two guys figure it out between themselves. Make them!
also, unban me (horselover fat) from nasioc. unit 91 is totally out of line.
signed, horselover fat.
aka the formerly uninsurable driver who now qualifies for the good driver discount.
you are hereby unbanned. go frolic and be merry.