cheap + resourceful =
short entry for now. tired.
went to the pick-apart to get a radiator and a starter. got one of the half-width radiators from civic slightly newer than mine that was in really good shape. got the starter out of the same car. starter ended up not fitting. wrong bell housing adapter. so rather than doing the sensible thing and going to autozone to buy a real one…. I made a working starter out of the two. Frankenstarter, assembled from the mechanical corpses of his fallen comerades:
yes, those are zip-ties. yes, I used the hacksaw. astoundingly enough, the car fired right up with this monstrosity jammed into the transmission. that’s it for now. tired. need shower. also, food.
Categories: Uncategorized
jeebus… yeah, erik’s car is falling apart… the engine is top notch, but everything else on the car is falling off/apart/etc. Ah, duct tape, twisty ties, and zip-ties… gotta love em.
You just earned mad respect dude. figuring out how something works then building a suitable replacement with whats available is the mark of a true natural mechanical engineer!
That is hot mang.
You should be the official starter rebuilder for OEM parts.
-paK +2