November 18th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

There should be a word for “and/or”. And/or is so cumbersome. Especially at work I find myself needing to use it (or its meaning at least) more than once in a sentence sometimes, and I end up playing with words and placement to get around it. Bah. Stupid words. Stupid morning. I just need more coffee, then I won’t care.

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  1. November 18th, 2004 at 14:39 | #1

    Coffee. Yes. It’s 55° outside and it’s sooo warm, cozy, and comfy under the blanket. I know, 55 is wussy compared to what you guys have…..but still. BRRRR! Dammit, I WILL go to class.


  2. November 18th, 2004 at 19:03 | #2

    What about “ander”, sort of like “and” & “or” put together, but it flows off the tongue better than andor. Or just use “andor” instead. Leave off the slash.

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