The other day Dan0 was telling me about how one of his friends wanted to play with plasmas by doing the old “focus 2 magnetrons at a spot and excite some blob of target matter into plasma” trick. My reply was simply:

“Oh hey, I have a spare magnetron in my closet if you need one”


The surprising thing wasn’t that I found myself saying something like that, but that it didn’t strike me as an odd thing to say. I’m not a geek. Not at all.

In other news, I think it may be time to clean out my closet.

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  1. December 1st, 2004 at 22:50 | #1



    …actually that didn’t surprise me too much, coming from the man who carries spare resistors in his briefcase, amongst other things. ;p

  2. December 2nd, 2004 at 05:00 | #2

    You rock. Hahaha. You and Erik deserve eachother, I swear. You two should chill when we move up there in July. He’s currently flipping out over finding a similiar subaru in a junk yard, and he’s harvesting.

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