December 12th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

So my car got broken into tonight. Ain’t that some shit? They busted out my right rear window. No biggie… Glass is free in MA. They stole the faceplate to my stereo. That sucked a ton since it was a gift. Oh, and they my fucking briefcase. That’s kind of a big deal. I got it as a present from my parents when I graduated college. I’ve always taken it everywhere with me (which was probably stupid). I’ve kept every important piece of paperwork in it. Recors and receipts and shit. I also kepy those little digitized pices of convienience in it. Like my PDA. And my digital camera. I wasn’t even pissed till I saw that my bag was missing. It was my stupid fault for leaving it in the passenger seat instead of putting it in the trunk. The one fucking time I go to a party in Worcester. So livid right now… my body doesn’t know quite how to react… It’s a wonder I could finish typing this.

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  1. December 12th, 2004 at 08:32 | #1

    *huuuuuuuuuug* I’m really really sorry. It’s so hard to lose things that have memories and sentimental attachments.

    *hug* I hope you feel better 🙁 Don’t let the anger get you down and make you feel like crap… ok? Hang in there.

    • December 12th, 2004 at 15:03 | #2

      Thanks for the kind words. It really is a lot more about what they stole than how much it all was worth.

  2. December 12th, 2004 at 13:48 | #3

    I know I’ve said this before, but I’m sorry, and that really fucking sucks ass. Those people should be caught and fed to a pack of rabid starving badgers for doing what they did.


    • December 12th, 2004 at 15:06 | #4

      I’m going to the police today, but I doubt anything can/will be done. I don’t know if I have theft coverage on my insurance plan either. this’ll no doubt end up being a “grin and bear it” situation.

      That being said, the image of someone being torn apart by rabid badgers does amuse me a little =P

  3. December 12th, 2004 at 22:31 | #5

    Holy shit that sucks. Dude I’m sorry. I can’t say I know the feeling, but I’m sure it sucks

    where in Wormtown were you?

    as always- if you need “help” let me know

    speed safely

    • December 12th, 2004 at 23:33 | #6

      I was just off May street by the Big Y. I wicked appreciate the good words. And believe me, if I knew where to “apply” the “help”, it would have already been broughten. That being said, if anything can “be done” I’ll be sure to let you know.

  4. December 13th, 2004 at 05:43 | #7

    Aw Igg, that sucks. I’ve had prized possessions stolen from me as a child, but never something of your value. Nevertheless the feeling is the same. I am now forever paranoid, from even losing a penny from my wallet, I go berserk. (It’s been less worse).

    In the meantime, find something to get your mind off it. That is what adds salt to the wound, it starts degrading your actions especially when at work. You thoughts becomes so cluttered, your “operating memory cache” is not sufficient to be functioning both work and stress at the same time.

    -paK +1

  5. December 13th, 2004 at 07:55 | #8

    God, I know the feeling all too well. Lost 16 grand of stuff from my apartment once, and my stereo from my car another time. I really hope everyhting works out for you man, good luck with it. :

  6. Anonymous
    December 13th, 2004 at 13:31 | #9

    eek, dude.

    I used to live in fear of getting broken into when I was parking in South Boston a lot… had me so paranoid that I’d haul all my electronics, CDs, and such upstairs every single time I pulled in.



  7. December 13th, 2004 at 18:57 | #10

    I’m sorry Igg. That really sucks when they steal stuff that money really can’t replace. Why do thugs steal stuff like that? I mean, if they wanna jack the PDA, so be it, that can be replaced. Good luck with the police report and I hope your insurance covers the monetary loss at least. 🙁


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