Since this is still going around, I thought I’d post my score.
Yes, I answered all the questions honestly.
Vacation pics
Hey all. pics as promised. There’s a fuckton.5 pics behind the cut, they’re all fairly small but 56k beware anyways.
First are pics from the New Year’s party at Dk0n’s place. The rest are from the vacation in general. Thanks to Reesey for resizing and hosting them. My company doesn’t give Mondays off on typical 3-day weekends, but they give a week and change around Christmas off. Fine by me.
Yes, I’m still alive. I’ve been too busy enjoying Reesey’s company to bother updating. Or being on the internet at all, really =P.
The holidays went well. Christmas with the family was a good time. The parents left to see Adam (the elusive IllDawg) on Christmas day, so I didn’t see much of them. The rest of the days were spent with Tereza, doing a variety of things. we hit up Boston for a couple days, went skiing, and saw a few friends I don’t see nearly enough of (Hi lordbrand). We did New Year’s eve with some of the NESIC folks at Deacon’s place. I have compromising photos that will be posted with a bunch of vacation pics in an upcoming entry (Hi dr_death35). Hung out with Sean, Andrew, Sabrina, and John (haven’t seen t3h mad_dog in a while) on new year’s day. Watched rally and got sick off a bad batch of fries from the Outback.
This year’s holiday season was much nicer than last year for sure. It was good to spend it with someone special, and it was nice that by the time it was all over it felt like I’d been on vacation forever. Although it did suck having to say goodbye for a month. Too bad it didn’t snow harder yesterday… maybe the flight would have been cancelled. Where’s a nor’easter when you need one?
I only have time for a quick update right now. More when I post pics.
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