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bubye sonoscan…

w00t. Put in my 2 weeks. I actually felt bad… her voice wouldn;t stop crackling for like 5 minutes. she was so close to crying =/. As much of a pain in the ass as this place is, and as many issues as I’ve had with Bob, I don’t like leaving her in the position I’m going to be leaving her in. She’s going to spawn in april, and it takes at least 1 month to get a new trainee. Then another 4-6 months to train someone to the point that they’re autonomous. To boot, this isn’t monkey work.. it requires a good amount of analytical skill, so it’s not like they can just recruit John Q. Random from the temp agency and be done with it. So she’s going to be all alone here until she leaves in April, then they’ll be rotating people in from Chicago probably until she gets back. Then she’ll be alone again for a while.

As much as I’d like that to be a pleasant thought, I feel a little bad. meh. had to be done.

Demi-w00t =/.

PS – fun fact: this is the only job I’ve ever quit. I’ve only ever been laid off, had a contract expire, or had to leave for school before.

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  1. February 8th, 2005 at 00:38 | #1

    also shows that you probably could have gotten away with a LOT more.

    • February 8th, 2005 at 00:40 | #2

      funny you say that… She also told me it;s a pity since she was going to give me a raise O_o. apparently I was less disgruntled in her eyes than in my own.

      • February 8th, 2005 at 12:12 | #3

        ‘Tis a pity that she didn’t reward your gruntlement earlier. That said, the new opportunity is cool.

        Quitting the car dealership was interesting; with the exception of one sleazy ass they all knew I wasn’t going to stick around for very long, so most had the decency to wish me well. I called in sick one day to go to an interview and then three days later told them that I was quitting. I offered two weeks and one of the managers (a very likeable though not necessarily good guy) asked me if I called in sick to go on the interview. I said yes and he told me just to stick around for another four days and then split. And, in retrospect, that week was pretty damn fun.

  2. Anonymous
    February 9th, 2005 at 07:25 | #4


    (evil laugh ensues)
    FULL-BLOWN w00t

    • February 9th, 2005 at 15:36 | #5

      Re: NOW YOU’RE MINE…………….BITCH

      Hi John =P

      • Anonymous
        February 10th, 2005 at 16:40 | #6

        Re: NOW YOU’RE MINE…………….BITCH

        hey buddy, lookin forward to having u on the team….. U and danowar ready for another pint at the PUB???? I had an O’Hara’s Stout the other day….quite delicious

        • February 10th, 2005 at 16:43 | #7

          Re: NOW YOU’RE MINE…………….BITCH

          I’ll be in FL this coming monday visiting the GF. but I can do beer any time other than that. I mean, the place is less than 2 miles from our apartment =P.

          Also, lemme know if HR got the signatures ok. I sent them in on monday. I can fax stuff if they need it.

          • Anonymous
            February 11th, 2005 at 10:44 | #8

            Re: NOW YOU’RE MINE…………….BITCH

            Paul confirmed u r all set bro…………have fun in FL and see u on the 22nd.

  3. February 11th, 2005 at 14:31 | #9

    I ENVY YOU!!!!!!!!!

    I’m in a similar situation, my boss sucks (well, really she doesn’t..but the job does and she doesn’t make it any more pleasant). She’s also pregnant, and I am looking for a new job because when she’ll be out, we’ll be down two people (she fired someone recently and has no plans of replacing her). I haven’t gotten my raise this year (should have happened back in January) and I haven’t gotten good raises the past couple years (they’ve used the ‘times are tough’ excuse since 9/11, yet my best raise was January right after 9/11!). Anyway, I interviewed for a job last night, I hope I can be like you and tell my pregnant boss that I’ll be MIA in about 2 weeks. =)

    • February 11th, 2005 at 15:43 | #10

      Re: I ENVY YOU!!!!!!!!!

      Good luck to you! I really hope you get the job. nothing feels worse than being totally dissatisfied with a job. I’ll look for an “I got the job” post =D

      • February 11th, 2005 at 16:58 | #11

        Re: I ENVY YOU!!!!!!!!!

        Thanks! You’re absolutely right, and I’ve hated it for a while, but I keep sticking with it thinking it may get better…but it never does, it only gets worse.

        Hopefully you’ll see that kind of post by mid-week. =)

        BTW, every time I see your ‘bye bye sonoscan’ title, I think it says “Son of Sam”. LOL

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