Welp… It’s 4am on my first night working 3rd shift at the new job. So far I like it. There’s enough busywork to keep me on my toes, but not so much that I get too swept up. I’m sure it’ll get busy sometimes, but this is a good nominal level. The attitude of “do whatever the fuck as long as shit gets pushed out on time” is very much my flavor too. The coworkers are very cool so far. I’ve absorbed a bunch and I’m starting to get the hang of working the systems. Methinnks I’ll like it here.

For those I haven’t mentioned it to, I’m working at Dimension Data. We basically babysit and troubleshoot other peoples’ networks and telecom. They’re paying me a bundle more than Sonoscan, and it’s much more my flavor of work. I’m on the night shift for a few months, and we’ll see where it goes from there. This may impact my WoW time, but I’ll find a way to deal =P. Oh, and I don’t work mondays =D. so yeah… I’m a professional geek again.

anyways… that’s my “I’m not dead” update.

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