I’m alive!
T3h my plane landed in Florida and all was well. if a little hot and humid. They gave out an infinite amount of oversalted peanuts and crappy pretzels while we waited and watched them work on the engine. When the plane taxied into the gate, I guess the engine was leaking hydraulic fluid of some flavor or another. They put a pan under the engine to catch the fluid and opened the engien housing to fiddle with the magic bits inside that make the plane worky. At this point, something large and metal falls out of the engine and into the pan, spraying everyone with hydraulic fluid. dispite the potentially dire consequences of such a thing, everyone couldn’t help but laugh a little. then we get the call that the flight will be delayed further. This is when they roll out the free munchies/soda and blankets. We eventually got on the plane at around 9:30 (which is not the same thing as 5:00 when we were supposed to. you can even check the math if you want).
I finally got to FL at 12:30 or so, I want to say. I was a little groggy from sleeping on the plane. I woke up about 30 mins out from the airport, and had the pleasure of seeing a large thunderstorm from above. Snakes of electricity would dance across the cloud canopy. It was quite stunning to watch. We landed safely without anything falling off or leaking (much to everyone’s surprise).
I could have used more time down there (and I say that with more emphasis than usual), even though I ended up missing my plane (what’s new, really).
Snakes of electricity would dance across the cloud canopy.
*giggles* Listen to you being all verbose and poetic 😉
Just trying to do it justice. It’s the second time I’ve ever seen an electrical storm from the air, and the only other time was during the day. wasn’t nearly as dramatic. I woke up to these wierd flashes, and for a while it was very surreal to watch it out the window while I was all groggy.
I imagine it was, and I don’t at all doubt your sincerity in writing that.
I just thought it was cute for some reason (y’know, in that platonic sense :p).
I am also a big fan of electrical storms. BIG FAN. I’ve never seen one from above the clouds tho. That must have been amazing.
Five years ago, when I flew to Boston, I got to see the tops of Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood and Mt. Baker(?) above the clouds at sunrise, with golden orange and pink lighting them up. And the clouds looked so… puffy and DENSE. It’s an image I keep to this day.
to fiddle with the magic bits inside that make the plane worky
Snakes of electricity would dance across the cloud canopy.
somehow…these seem like they were written by two different people…is there something about that schizophrenia that you’re not telling me???
I am ten ninjas