…also, an update on the SVX. you all care, dammit. admit it.

I drained the coolant and filled it with water and some magic radiator-cleaner goo. it says to run the engine as normal for like 3-6 hours with this junk in it. So I drove around on it today. went to see Seth for lunch and then poked around at a few dealerships. The temperature rose a couple times when I came to a stop, but not too high. And it was HOT out today. high 80s. The temp went right down when I started moving and the water pump started…. pumping. The coolant was clear when it went in, and is a sickly orange right now. That will be that much more crap that leaves the engine when I drain it and put coolant back in. For all intents and purposes, the cooling systemis fixed (w00t). Now all that’s left is the transmission. Oh, is that all?

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  1. August 3rd, 2005 at 17:23 | #1

    congratulations!!! I’ve also heard that popping out the drain plug on the block can help get shit out of the cooling system.

    Lol… Good luck with your automatic subaru transmission. haha

    • August 4th, 2005 at 03:56 | #2

      Thanks for the tip. I never thought of going after that. I’ll give the engine plug a shot.

      And now that I have a daily driver, I’m pondering doing the 5mt swap =x. failing that, I’d at least like to get the auto back in it. with 4.11 gears it’s no slug

      • August 4th, 2005 at 07:42 | #3

        there was a thread about it on the USMB in the new gen forum if you ever go over there…

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