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Humble as it may be…

As you may have gathered from recent entries, I’m sick of working on cars. It wasn’t so bad when I had a garage, but I don;t anymore. With a garage, I can work on a car from the moment I get home up till 2 in the morning or whenever I need to. even on a weekday. I can get jobs done on demand and spread the work over a couple days. Without these sorts of facilities, I can’t keep a $2000 car going.

So today I put a deposit on a 2005 civic coupe. Looking at a 5speed in black. Talked them to around $14,800. I’m waiting to hear back from the financing people, but hopefully I will be picking it up tomorrow. w00t. not the coolest or sportiest car in the world, but it’t not all that bad looking IMO. and it will do the pointA-pointB thing reliably. and with crazy good gas milage. I don;t really have any complaints. now if only that call would come in.

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  1. August 3rd, 2005 at 15:13 | #1

    it’s cheap and that’s all you really need. can be turned into a good auto-x car and hell, we know that ice racing doesn’t take huge amounts of power

    good luck

    speed safely

    • August 4th, 2005 at 03:58 | #2

      I’m already thinking about ice racing it =D. I’ll definitely get it out there for the first event where there aren’t really snowbanks. I’m a little wary of putting the nose into a snow wall though. but I guess it’s better that than a phone poll. I really think of ice racing as education more than sport. looking forward to it. If Mackey can do it in his little hatch, I can do it in this piece =P. actually wish I had the CRX working to race with. that thing was mean on the ice.

  2. August 3rd, 2005 at 17:36 | #3

    the 7th gen civics may be severely underpowered, but with proper suspension tuning, can handle with the best of them. And that’s good, because power-wise, the civic just can’t afford to slow down. Here’s a ricer site

    • August 4th, 2005 at 04:00 | #4

      being underpowered is a good thing for this car =P. with a car like the SVX around, modding something like a civic seems futile. which is a good thing. I may do a few free mods like grounding and bypassing the TB coolant, but I won’t be touching the engine much. a few people have suggested suspension. we’ll have to see how the funds hold up.

      • August 4th, 2005 at 05:40 | #5

        Tuning suspension on Civics. . . easy, VERY effective, inexpensive (all things considered), and it makes the car much more fun to drive.

      • August 4th, 2005 at 15:05 | #6

        yea, a suspension is what I was thinking when I was talking about a “good auto-x” car.

        that’s how I look at the SVT- futile to mod (though not really) while I have the supra

        speed safely

  3. August 4th, 2005 at 22:27 | #7

    This be mine!!!! (Isn’t she just adorable!!!???) 😛

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

  4. August 5th, 2005 at 02:35 | #8

    I thought you were looking for a 2dr 2.5 RS? Would have been much cooler, but I guess the Civic is Ok, atleast it’s a coupe and a 5 speed, thats all that really matters in my book.

    • August 5th, 2005 at 08:36 | #9

      I looked at a couple. They’re hard to come by in the first place. all the ones I either didn;t like because of their condition. or.. I knew the previous owner of the car =x (which is even worse). one of the perils of being in Nabisco.

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