Home > Uncategorized > Cocksaw


December 24th, 2005 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’ve been getting a periodic threshold alert for a device all evening. It comes in and clears out before I have to do anything to it. I’ve seen it like 20 times tonight. It’s a disk usage alert so it’s probably a periodic backup or something.

The device name is “csokseaw”. I don’t know what that’s supposed to spell out or be an abbreviation/acronym for… but in my poor little brain it looks like “cocksaw” to me every time it comes up. ewww… cocksaw? wtf is a cocksaw? That doesn’t sound pleasant at all! And why would anyone name a network device after it? sickos.

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  1. December 26th, 2005 at 14:28 | #1

    “Periodic threshold alert” sounds like something to do with the periodic table.

    Just look up the atomic weight for Cocksaw-ium, divide by the atomic number, and then umm… I have no idea. Happy kwanza.

  2. Anonymous
    December 30th, 2005 at 00:35 | #2

    poquenov2 and octfcu

    When I worked in PO Square in Boston – we had a Novell server called poquenov2. Simply: Pokemon Two
    I just opened an account at The Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union. Simpy: OCTA-fuck-you

    It’s awesome now that Christine calls it that…
    “We have to stop at the octafuckyou to deposit that check.”

    – Kris

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