Very rarely does work really piss me off. Tonight was an exception. Even when the “cocksaw” event came in, it didn’t make me smirk like usual. There’s a company out there, we’ll call them “Equity Two”, that are a bunch of real pricks about their circuits going down. We monitor the connections from the remote sites to the main site. There’s this whole song and dance we have to do any time one of those connections goes down and comes back up. Even if it bounces for like 20 seconds at 3:00am. We have to build up a ticket and chase telco to find a reason for the outage. Telco can’t find a reason for outage on a 20 second interruption. there’s simply nothing to test. If an RFO can’t be found we have to make them put the circuit in for testing the next night during their set test window. They always come back and tell us the circuit tested clean because, you know, there was never a problem in the first place. It’s the internet, gremlins abound. fucking deal, shit might go down for a few seconds. This is the only company that does this, and they are FAR from the most “important” by any measure. and it’s all to save a few pennies at the end of the month. gg. Remind me to send you hatemail at Christmas, I’ll take care to write it in as eloquent and personal a manner as I can. Believe me my disdain for you is unique and special like a perfect snowflake.
UPDATE – Since I started this entry, I’ve had to open 3 new tickets. This is going to be a good week.
You should begin to answer all questions and comments with
“What? I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”