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Avast! religious holidays

So like… Passover? That’s this week or something right? It’s the commemoration of The Exodus… the freeing of the Israelites from the reign of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt under the leadership of a great man.  Shown here is a rubbing from an ancient artifact, illustrating part of the epic struggle.  The end result of this is that some lucky saps get to take friday off to observe Passover. By “observe passover” of course I mean “drink and play video games”.

Clearly we devout atheists see a problem with this. We don’t get to take religious holidays. Someone pops the “religious ” card, and people don’t give them grief about taking the day off. So I feel like I should get similar treatment. From now on I’m going to take such esteemed secular holidays such as “talk like a pirate day” (Sept. 19th) and “steak and blowjob day” (March 14th or 20th depending on how it is observed) off. not only will I take these days for my own personal reflection, but I will stick true to the their meanings. I WILL talk like a pirate on Sept.19th, etc. Never let it be said that us kindly atheists lack devotion.


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  1. April 13th, 2006 at 17:23 | #1

    I too will talk like a pirate. I am the dread pirate pixie.

    However, anyone who is claiming passover rights tomorrow is pulling one. They should have left early yestersay and taken off either today or next Wednesday.

    • April 13th, 2006 at 18:00 | #2

      I think friday is a more convenient day to take off for video games and drinking.

  2. April 13th, 2006 at 17:27 | #3

    It was recently revealed to me (not through magic wan pale holy light but through mundane conversation) that I am actually an Ian: a Christian without the Christ.

    My name even has IAN in it.

    Clearly, I look to you for direction in all Ianian things.

    • April 13th, 2006 at 18:01 | #4

      Join me, my son. We will all talk like pirates. it will be good. thus spake Iggathustra

    • April 13th, 2006 at 18:02 | #6

      Also, free steak on March 15th/30th. The other part is up to you.

      • April 13th, 2006 at 20:05 | #7

        The free part? Or the steak part?

      • April 13th, 2006 at 20:27 | #8

        when do you go to the day shift?

        • April 14th, 2006 at 03:36 | #9

          I am currently on the day shift. wtf!? I’m a normal person now. I get to wear shoes and I don;t have to jump over any broomsticks.

          Last week was my first week. I’m still getting adjusted but it’s very cool. when I go to sleep during the actual night time, I feel all naughty and devious like I should be going to work.

  3. April 13th, 2006 at 18:34 | #10

    Besht posht evah! Yaaaaar!

  4. Anonymous
    April 13th, 2006 at 18:44 | #11

    It’s passover, lol.

  5. April 13th, 2006 at 19:39 | #12

    I think you should take Ianday off…and just do whatever makes Ian happy!


  6. April 14th, 2006 at 13:44 | #13

    Wooh, hail Moses!

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