pew pew pew
I bought a laser pointer for $4 at a gas station. this is quite possibly the most fun per dollar I’ve ever had. Even compared to free stuff that’s fun. I got it specifically so I could use it to play with Dezzy. She flipped out when I first shined it on the floor. No following it with her head or stalking it out of curiosity. She instantly burst into action, furiously trying to get it. Running around at full speed, and jumping up walls… anything to catch it. She figured out pretty quickly that I was the source of this mysterious anomaly on the floor, but she still chases after it like her life depends on it. It’s the funniest thing ever. Matt loves making her run around too.
She’s a smart one though. She not only knows it’s us making the dot, she knows what we use to do it. If I pick up the pointer, she comes running over all purring and making the same strange kitty-sqwaks she makes when she sees a bug flying around out of reach. if I don’t start playing with it, she meows and whines. One time I picked it up just to move it, and when I didn’t use it at all. She marched away and made the most aggrivated whining sound I’ve ever heard her make. the cat equivalent of “wtf, you fucking tease”.
Seriously, this is the best thing evar.
EDIT – Adding math to this for Kz: similarly as 5+gold=perfect, cat+laser=rofl
somebody actually tried to file a patent on the process of using a laser pointer to play with any creature with a chase instinct.
yeah, I’ve been thinking about getting one.
You know…If I came to visit…it would amuse me for hours too….
not that I’m easily amused mind you…
eh…who am I kidding!
heheheehehehe kitty 🙂
More fun per dollar is frequent with cats. For example…laundry baskets, cardboard boxes, string, and paper bags are much more amusing with a cat.
Dental floss is her second favorite toy
Man, cats are so great. 😀