Fluffers = hax0rs
Speaking of security, I saw these entries in my authentication log yesterday and was amused:
May 24 12:04:00 majordomo sshd[3846]: Invalid user fluffy from
May 24 12:04:03 majordomo sshd[3848]: Invalid user admin from
I was pleased since it stopped after the 2 attempts, so the new rule I wrote to stop those annoying SSH bots worked. Normally these SSH bots try a couple hundred usernames, probing for an easy match.
The thing that got me as funny was that it tried the username “fluffy before “admin”. I would hope “admin” would generate more hits as a real username than “fluffy”, but apparantly whoever set up this script thinks differently. Then again, I haven’t scanned the internet at large for common usernames =P
or most hackers are cats….
They do enjoy prowling in the shadows…
Is that where you ran off to yesterday…fending off menacing kitties?!
You are too 1337 for me, duderz. I got nothing. But I like ninjas. You get ninja status.
hehe. Stupid bots. On the other hand, anyone who has a user named fluffy deserves to get Pwn3d
My coworker brings up the fact that the internet is populated mostly by sick fucks and sick fucks, so who knows… “fluffy” could very well be a very common name.