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Traffic. Massachusetts traffic on the pike. It’s not as bad as I95, but it can be pretty bad. Sometimes I think I attract the worst of the worst drivers, but I tell myself that’s silly. Surely it has something to do with my driving style or simple chance right? I used to think so anyways. I remember a couple of times some years ago driving with lordbrand where he’d comment “I never see so many asshole drivers doing crazy things as when I’m driving with you”. It seems I’m a magnet for nutty drivers, and I have a sign on my bumper saying “fuck with me”. I need to see about reversing polarity on the magnet and getting that sign removed =P.

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  1. June 8th, 2006 at 20:19 | #1

    I’d say come drive in AZ in the winter (when all the snowbirds hit town) but I’ve driven in both states and you’re right…MA is way worse…(I’m a magnet for idiots too!)

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