So I was trying to install Java on my FreeBSD machine for a few reasons. it sucks when something is amiss with the installation of an app. normally it’s so smooth, just one command. Sometimes big companies, Sun for example, make things harder than they have to be. Because of some licensing bullshit, you have to go manually download a bunch of install files (normally FreeBSD gets them for you), and put them in a specific directory. after agreeing to a bunch of stuff on their webpage. then you can compile like normal. mostly. an error came up, and with some searching I found out it was a common issue. I had to go to a file in a very remote directory (/usr/ports/java/jdk15/work/control/build/bsd-i586/gensrc/sun/nio/cs/StandardCharsets.java) and remove 3 lines of code in a file whose header says “This file was mechanically generated: Do not edit!”
So basically I had to go to the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of the Leopard”.
then it all went smoothly.
yeah, boo on Java! It sucks old toilet brushes.
oops, not logged in…
much better now.
Lol, I haven;t seen an “iggdawg is cool” pic in ages =P
someone posted
a stupid ‘make a tatoo’ site yesterday, it was the first thing that came to mind.