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To be forewarned

I can use my arms again! I’d like to note that when starting up a workout routine or stepping from a mild one to a heavier one, it’s not really a good idea to work your muscles to failure on the first day. This is common sense to most people, but I’m a boy and thusly I do stupid things. I worked my biceps to failure a couple times over on friday. By sunday I couldn’t extend my arms to full length without serious pain. the muscles literally felt like they were going to snap. they felt better by yesterday and today I could genuinely use them. woot.

That’s my story.

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  1. November 8th, 2006 at 15:25 | #1

    but I’m a boy and thusly I do stupid things

    At least you’re man enough to admit it….

    So I gather yesterday was leg day!?!


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