So I took a strange call just now. There’s this tape drive that failed out in Geneva or some shit for a company, we’ll call them Covaance to protect their identiy. This chick from some parts place that was going to supply the drive wanted to know if “a black drive is ok”. I don’t know how many server rooms they’ve been in before, but color is seldom on the short list, long list, extended list, or even Christmas list for just about any item. Save cables. And tape drives are usually exiled to some corner of the server room, surrounded by other machines. I told them I didn’t think black would be an issue, but I would check anyways.
After I got off the call I asked the SRO (Service Request Dude.. O is for Dude), and he said they requested fushcia. Failing that, puce. Looks like we have an issue.
Wow. Just wow. XD