it’s not lupus
So I have the plague. Maybe it’s SARS, but it feels more like the plague. It keeps changing what it feels like doing to me. The one constant thing is this terrible sore throat. It’s some flavor of agony like a 6-7 on the pain scale between 1, “papercut” and 10, “evisceration”.
Oddly enough, this is the first time any pill-form painkiller has ever done me any good. Usually I’ll pop some aspirin or advil when something hurts, but it usually does little more than reduce a sharp stabbing pain to a less-sharp stabbing pain. I was making awful faces and convulsing my back muscles every time I swallowed though, so I though a fistful of aspirin (a “fistfull” is an imperial measurement equating to 6 pills at 325 mg) couldn’t do any harm. much to my surprise not only did it not do any harm, it actually helped. I’d forgotten I had even taken any pills, when half an hour later the pain started fading from sharp to dull to almost gone. it was actually quite amazing since I’d tried throat spray and like 3 different kind of “numbs your mouth silly” cough drops to no avail. Score 1 for aspirin.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
Thanks for posting this – Heather has a sore throat now, so if it persists like this, we’ll hafta pick up some aspirin.
she may have caught SARS from me. if she develops a fever it’s probably something different, since I haven’t hit a fever yet. but hopefully hers will pass fast, my head is not a cool place to be at the moment =(.
If you gave Heather SARS I will beat you up! V_V;;
Don’t worry, my body is putting me in plenty of pain =D. It was doing this neat thing last night where I would hiccup and cough at the same time. Diaphragm was like “lol wut” and tried in vain to do both at once.
speaking of evisceration, I had a dream last night that I was a rogue and stabbing people. I found this odd, because I haven’t played WoW since June!
PS, get well soon. come visit me and I’ll get you high on Percocet.
I had that very same plague not to long ago…I’m still alive so there’s hope on the horizon…
(feel better soon!)