I mean like _really_ stupid
Stupid people are funny. Nay, hilarious. I know that makes me shallow or elitist or something, but I guess I’m ok with that. Matt (the roommate, for newcomers) and I started watching the new season of Beauty and the Geek. Normally I avoid TV. Normally I avoid reality TV even more. This is something different though, it’s a thing of beauty. They get a dozen or so of the most socially inept geeks and put them in a house with a dozen or so “really hot” girls. Then they toss in one of those elimination/survival games and shake up the house.
I enjoy the show for two reasons. First being that I used to be one of those socially inept geeks. So I can respect where these guys are coming from. Of course I hit a certain age and got a hold of a certain amount of mojo, and it seems like these guys just never got that. One of them is even a real live LARPer. Not even kidding. The only thing scarier than a furry. The second reason I watch the show is for the priceless shit that comes out of the mouths of the girls. I mean, you just don’t hear stuff like this. The question was asked “which is closer, the moon or the sun?”. One answered “The sun, it looks bigger”. Two just answered “The sun” with a little nod. Two more answered “Same distance”. I mean, how can you get out of grade school and not know the moon is closer? It’s just so unbelievable, the shit they say, I can’t help but watch.
Matt and I watched the last season and liked it. Being 2 socially well adjusted nerds, we get a kick out of both sides. Looking forward to this season. I reccommend watching it. Ignore the “elimination game” part of it, and just watch the contestants interact with people from their own group and the other groups.
Albert Einstein: “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
YES!!!!! I watched that show with my mom just the other day. Hilarious. Those poor nerdy guys. They seemed to be so enthralled at first to be matched up with those “hawt” girls; now I’m sure they want to stab their eyes out. I like the cute asian one.
Those girls remind me of Ms. North Carolina at the Ms. America pageant. Huge tits, and dumb as night.
The best part is that you can tell by the way they act that they don’t think anything is wrong with them. They think like they’re the norms, and the geeks are the spectacle of the show, the ones with the low hand. They seem truly in the dark that the way they are isn’t ok, and that the split is at least 50/50
to be honest, watching that makes me afraid. it makes me think, “what is that IS the norm? what if most people really think like those chicks??” I am afraid of where this country is going. 😐
I love that show! (course I’m a reality geek from way back)
My favorite moon sun line: aren’t they the same thing?
Flipping priceless.